Eagle is a Telugu-language action drama which is written and directed by Karthik Gattamneni. The film stars Ravi Teja, Kavya Thapar, Anupama Parameswaran & Navdeep in lead roles while Srinivas Avasarala, Madhoobala, Ajay Gosh, Vinay Rai, Srinivasa Reddy, Nithin Mehta, Sivannarayana, Praneeta Patnaik, Bhasha, Mirchi Kiran, Zara, Surya, Dhruvan, Akshara & others are seen in important roles. The music is composed by Davzand and the film is produced by TG Vishwa Prasad & Vivek Kuchibhotla under People Media Factory banner.
The film is about a ruthless assassin named Eagle aka Sahadev (Ravi Teja) whom many international governments are looking for. But he stops all his contract work and starts to live in a small village with a goal. What is his goal? What made him leave his contracts? How does a journalist (Anupama Parameswaran) uncovers the story of this ruthless assassin when she investigates a government cover-up? Forms the rest of the plot.
What about on-screen performances?
Ravi Teja delivers a kickass performance as Sahadev/Eagle. He is terrific in all the action sequences and has a decent screen presence. He impresses in his rugged avatar as it suits the role perfectly and he is equally good with his regular look in the flashback episodes as well.
Kavya Thapar looks gorgeous and gives out an adorable performance as the hero’s love interest in the flashback portions.
Anupama Parameswaran leaves a mark in the role of a journalist who drives the movie forward.
Navdeep is as usual too good with his supporting act and ably supports Ravi Teja throughout the film.
Ajay Gosh, Srinivasa Reddy & Mirchi Kiran entertain in parts in their respective roles.
Srinivas Avasarala, Vinay Rai, Madhoobala, and Praneeta Patnaik are pretty decent in their important supporting roles.
Nithin Mehta, Sivannarayana, Bhasha, Surya, Bharat Reddy, Zara, Dhruvan, Akshara & all others are fine in their respective parts.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Karthik Gattamneni is solid and talks about a global issue with a good message at the end. The whole world set up in a huge farmhouse in a small village is amazing and he deserves credit for attempting something really out of the box, especially concerning Telugu cinema parameters.
The screenplay by Karthik Gattamneni & Manibabu Karanam has its share of ups and downs. The Rashomon-style screenplay which involves various characters providing subjective, alternative, and contradictory versions of the same incident is boring in a few places, especially in the first half but gets interesting as the film progresses.
The first half is a bit boring with regular action scenes and too many unwanted elevation scenes. The whole interval fight is where the film gets engaging and the second half keeps us glued with all the dots connecting neatly. The whole Marghasira Madhyaratri episode and the Ammavari sequence are the biggest highlights of the film. The climax portions are passable.
Director Karthik Gattamneni , Though his vision and story point is good, stumbled in developing the same, especially with the screenplay. He scored will with the action scenes.He tried a different style of narration and it worked partly. He could have done a better job with the First half.
The dialogues by Manibabu Karanam are good. However too much usage of analogies and very heavy on words usage makes them , kind of non sync to many scenes.
The cinematography by Karthik Gattamneni, Karm Chawla, and Kamil Plocki is one of the biggest strengths of the film and definitely one of the best works in recent times. The way they shot the film on a huge scale is commendable.
The songs by Davzand are fine. Garudam song is the best of the album while Gallanthe song is also a sweet melody. His background score is very trendy and gives a refreshing feel in the theatres.
The edit by Karthik Gattamneni could have been little more sharp especially in the first half.
Special mention to the production designer Srinagendra Tangala for the amazing artwork and superb sets. Also, the action choreography by Ram Laxman, Real Sathish & Tomek is appreciable.
The production values by People Media Factory are huge and top-class. The technical finesse that the makers achieved with the film will be talked about for a long time.
What’s Hot?
* RaviTeja’s Performance
* Top Notch Camera Work & Grand Visuals
* Engaging Second Half
* Interval and Pre-Climax Ammavari Action Sequence
* Refreshing Background Score & Garudam Song
* Production Design & Action Choreography
What’s Not?
* Routine First Half
* Half Baked Screenplay
* Not So Convincing Climax
* Few Unnecessary Elevation Scenes/Dialogues
Verdict: On the whole, Eagle scores high on technical aspects and low on substance. The extravagant visuals, elegant production design, and well-choreographed action keep us glued to the screens but the screenplay & narrative look repetitive and boring at regular intervals. Can give it a try once!!
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2.5/5