Sumaya Reddy, a talented actress from Anantapur, is making her mark in Tollywood with her debut film, Dear Uma, where she serves as an actress, producer, and scriptwriter. Directed by Sai Rajesh Mahadev, the film has already captivated audiences with its intriguing posters, teasers, and songs, promising a heartwarming love story.
Sumaya’s creativity shines as a scriptwriter, adding depth to the narrative. In celebration of Independence Day, a special poster was released featuring Sumaya in a white outfit, symbolizing peace and unity, as she walks against a snowy backdrop holding the Indian flag.
The film is currently in post-production, with the team preparing for its upcoming release. Despite being Sumaya’s first production, the film is lavishly made, starring Prithvi Amber and featuring music by Radhan.