Das Ka Dhamki is a Telugu-language action comedy thriller film directed by Vishwak Sen and has the story written by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada. The film has Vishwak Sen & Nivetha Pethuraj playing the lead roles while Rao Ramesh, Rohini Molleti, Tharun Bhascker, Akshara Goud, Ajay, Hyper Aadi, Mahesh Anchata & others in supporting roles. The music is composed by Leon James and the film is produced by Karate Raju under Vanmaye Creations & Vishwaksen Cinemas banners.
Krishna Das (Vishwak Sen) is a poor youngster who works as a waiter in a 5-star hotel and stays with his 2 best friends (Hyper Aadi & Mahesh) who also work in the same hotel. He falls in love with Keerthi (Nivetha Pethuraj) by acting rich and playing a few tricks. One day, he comes to know about his doppelganger named Sanjay who is a doctor that looks exactly like him. Krishna Das is then asked to take over the responsibility of Sanjay’s company and his family for 10 days. Who is Sanjay? What is the story behind him? What problems does Krishna Das face later? Needs to be seen on big screens.
What about on-screen performances?
Vishwak Sen is terrific in his dual roles. He does all his swagger mass scenes like a pro in both roles and is particularly impressive with his comedy timing as Krishna Das. He could have done a lot better in a few scenes where he shows off his evil side as Sanjay in the second half.
Nivetha Pethuraj is effortless with her performance and looks super gorgeous in her out-and-out glamorous role. She is good in all her scenes with Vishwak and their chemistry is pretty decent.
Hyper Aadi and Mahesh Anchata are hilarious in their respective roles as the hero’s friends. All the trio scenes in the first half worked out well and will evoke good laughs in the theatres.
Rao Ramesh does his part with ease like he always does in a crucial role while Tharun Bhascker is funny in his small cameo.
Rohini Molleti has very limited lines but emotes well with her eyes.
Akshara Goud is okay as the hotel manager and the rest of the supporting cast are fine in their short roles.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada has nothing new in terms of freshness but is completely set up in a commercial tone with decent twists which can keep us invested. The story does have a few traces of Dhamaka, Adhurs, Rowdy Alludu, and a few other films in the past where a doppelganger replaces his lookalike and plays his part.
The screenplay by Vishwak Sen is pretty half-baked. Though it is face paced, a few developments look very forced, especially in the second half. The whole cancer drug angle is very poorly dealt with in the film and even a few scenes of Sanjay look routine as the writers run out of ideas to show him in a different evil angle.
Vishwak Sen does a superb job with his presentation. When compared to his first outing ‘Falaknuma Das’, he definitely takes the scale and commercial meter a notch higher with Dhamki but he couldn’t be fully convincing with his narrative, particularly in the climax portions on a whole.
The dialogues are well written. A few massy lines hit the right chord and all the funny one-liners are hilarious.
The background music by Leon James is one of the biggest strengths of the film. His score is trendy and very fresh. Also, the songs are foot-tapping. ‘Almost Padipoyinde Pilla’ is already a chartbuster and ‘O Dollar Pillagaa’ is well shot.
The camera work by Dinesh K. Babu is brilliant. He shoots the film on a rich canvas while the edit by Anwar Ali could have been a bit crisper.
The production values by Vanmaye Creations & Vishwaksen Cinemas are rich.
What’s Hot?
- Vishwak Sen’s Performance & Comedy
- Nivetha Pethuraj’s Performance
- Entertaining First Half
- Superb Background Music
- Cinematography & Production Values
- Good Twists
- Almost Padipoyinde Pilla Song
What’s Not?
- Half Baked Screenplay
- Few Portions Of The Second Half
- Cancer Drug Track
- Poor Climax
Verdict: Overall, Das Ka Dhamki ends being a below average fair with the way the second half is handled, after having a decently entertaining first half. A crisper latter half and a few novel ideas could have made this an a better film.
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2.25/5