A week after the suicide of Sixteen-year-old Nagula Satwik, the police released the remand report that has crucial findings. Nagula Satwik (16) joined the MPC group at Sri Chaitanya College in 2022. He has been staying in the hostel since then.
As per the police reports, Nagula Satwik died by suicide in his classroom at Sri Chaitanya Junior College in Narsingi on 28 February after facing harassment by teachers, the warden and principals. It is mentioned in the remand report that Satvik committed suicide due to harassment.
The reports said that the principals taunted Satwik that he was unfit even for the watchman’s helper job. Another principal insulted him and beat him for gaining poor grades. Police found that these are the major reasons behind the suicide of Satwik.
The reports said that he was mentally disturbed by the series of incidents. The college Principal Narasimhachari alias Acharya, Vice Principal Sivaramakrishna Reddy, Warden Naresh, and Vice Principal Shobhanbabu were arrested in this case. Another principal Jagan, who insulted Satwik with his vulgar words, is absconding.