Director Vijay Kanakamedala is back with an exciting new film titled Bhairavam, featuring a talented cast that includes Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, Manoj Manchu, and Nara Rohith. Produced by KK Radhamohan under Sri Sathya Sai Arts and presented by Dr. Jayantilal Gada of Pen Studios, the film’s first-look poster has just been revealed.
Bhairavam is a noir action drama that promises to be intense. In the poster, Bellamkonda appears fierce, holding a sickle and a trident, with a rugged look that includes a thick beard and a bloodied face. This suggests he will play a powerful character.
The setting of a temple and the presence of villagers hint at an intriguing story. The combination of Bellamkonda Srinivas, Manoj Manchu, and Nara Rohith adds to the excitement, especially with Kanakamedala’s strong storytelling skills. The movie has music by Sricharan Pakala and cinematography by Hari K Vedantam.