Fans have eagerly awaited the debut film of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s son Mokshagna teja. The grand opening is set for the 6th of this month, and there are rumours that both Balakrishna and Mokshajna will star together in a Pan India film directed by Prashanth Varma. However, the official details will be confirmed on the Pooja day.
After completing his degree, Mokshajna trained at the New York Film Institute and later with Satyanand in Vizag. Balakrishna has given him three key pieces of advice, carry the family legacy with humility, avoid imitating others, and remain disciplined and active in the industry.
Unlike his father NTR, who did not interfere with story choices for his successor, Balakrishna is more involved in Mokshajna’s career. He is carefully selecting subjects for his son and has his daughter Tejaswini producing the debut film, showing his deep commitment to Mokshajna’s success.