After scripting a remarkable turnaround story in Andhra Pradesh politics by quitting YCP and winning on TDP ticket, Raghu Rama Krishna Raja has been having a gala time while in power. The Undi MLA has now revealed his assessment of the real estate market in the Telugu states.
“After Chandrababu garu announced that Amaravati is the sole capital of Andhra Pradesh and there will be no confusion in this matter, the public’s trust has been reinstated. Amaravati is witnessing a real estate boom like no other city now.” Raghu Rama said.
The firebrand leader went on to add that Amaravati is starting to witness a spike in real estate acquisitions to the degree that the prices here have shot up by 250%. He instated that Amaravati, the sole capital of AP is witnessing an upward spiral.
“After Babu announced Amaravati as the capital, Hyderabad has started to see a slow down in the market. Hyderabad’s real estate market is down by 10-15% after Amaravati announcement was made. The good days are back for Amaravati and also all of Andhra Pradesh with Jagan getting ousted from power.” The MLA added.