Noted Telugu film journalist Suresh Kondeti has been holding Santosham Awards for many years now. But there was a major debacle this year as the event was set to be held in Goa but ended as a damp squib due to the alleged poor arrangements at the venue. Several celebrities returned without taking part in the event after seeing the poor arrangements.
Since the event failed, social media posts from a few Tollywood followers are reading that Suresh is a family PRO for the mega family and this failure of the event is being rubbed on the mega family. Reacting to the same, Allu Aravind has shut the criticism.
“Did any of our family members say Suresh is our family PRO? No. He is not our family PRO. He intended to do an event and failed at personal capacity. You cant rub this on our family saying our PRO did it. Moreover, other language industry people are saying this event failure is the collective failure of all of Tollywood. That is not right.” Aravind said.
Aravind added that Tollywood or the mega family has nothing to do with the event that was held at Santosh’s personal capacity and disposal. He said that criticizing Tollywood for the same isn’t the right thing to do.
Suresh apologized for the debacle and said issues like these happen for logistical reasons.