35-Chinna Katha Kaadu is a 2024 family/kids drama film written and directed by Nanda Kishore Emani. The film has Nivetha Thomas, Priyadarshi, and Vishwadev Rachakonda playing the lead roles while Gautami. T, K. Bhagyaraj, Krishna Teja, Arundev Pothula, Abhay Shankar, Ananya Madgula, Raja Prajwal, Janani, Satwika, Pavan & others are seen in important supporting roles. The music is composed by Vivek Sagar while the film is produced by Srujan Yarabolu & Siddharth. Rallapalli under Suresh Productions, S Originals, & Waltair Productions banners.
In the city of Tirupati, Arun (Arun Dev), the elder son of bus conductor Prasad (Viswadev Rachakonda) and Saraswati (Nivetha Thomas) keeps struggling with mathematics subject. His teacher, Chanakya (Priyadarshi), often mocks him, but the real issue is that Arun’s logical questions go unanswered by his teachers. As a result of this misunderstanding, Arun gets demoted to the same class as his younger brother, Varun (Abhay). The rest of the story unfolds, revealing the roles of Sarada (Gautami), Principal Buchireddy (Bhagyaraj), Kiranmayee (Ananya), and Murty (Krishna Tej) in Arun’s journey.
What about on-screen performances?
Firstly, huge credits and a special mention to all the child actors who have acted in this film.
The film majorly revolves around Arundev Pothula, who played Arun, and he is brilliant in his role as the oldest son who fails to understand maths. To be honest, he is the real hero of the film. He also gets a couple of whistle moments in the film in the washroom scene and the classroom elections scene.
Ananya who plays the principal’s granddaughter is another great find and she is so adorable in her part as Kiranmayee. She gives a loveable performance and is superb with her expressions.
Nivetha Thomas gives a heartfelt performance as Saraswati, a dropout housewife trying to support her son’s studies. Her expressions and emotions effectively show the worries of a mother facing a subject she finds challenging. Also, her Tirupathi slang is on point and she completely manages to impress as a mother of 2 kids.
Viswadev Rachakonda plays the supportive husband of Nivetha, and their chemistry adds warmth and authenticity to the film, helping to drive the story forward.
Priyadarshi naturally fits the role of a math teacher named Chanakya, making the character feel real with his excellent acting skills.
Gautami, K.Bhagyaraj and Krishna Teja support the film adequately with their decent performances.
Abhay Shankar, Raja Prajwal, Janani, Satwika, Pavan & all the other kids who play small roles in the film are perfectly cast and all of them do well in their limited parts.
What about off-screen talents?
The story by Nanda Kishore Emani is very realistic and quite relatable to most of the parents & kids, particularly those who have a fear of mathematics. The film is a clean family film that portrays the fears, stress, and occasional harshness children face, making it relatable to anyone who has gone through the challenges of growing up.
The screenplay by Nanda Kishore Emani is okay in parts but the film is told in a very leisurely manner. The film’s strength lies in its authentic portrayal of the relatable struggles that happen in middle-class families and the complex emotional dynamics between teacher-students & mother-son. But the film’s slow pace which was actually meant to add realism, can sometimes feel monotonous and make it hard to stay engaged.
Director Nanda Kishore Emani does a wonderful job with his craft. He picked up a meaningful plot point and told this relatable line in a very entertaining way that can be watched with the whole family. Had his narration been a little crisper without preachiness, this would have been an even more memorable film.
The dialogues and the Tirupati slang require a special mention. They are very well conceived and look authentic in the film.
Vivek Sagar’s music plays a crucial role in heightening the emotional depth of several key scenes, adding a unique layer of mood and intensity. His background score seamlessly blends with the narrative, while the songs complement the storytelling.
The cinematography by Niketh Bommi Reddy adds good, colorful visuals to the film, making it enjoyable and appealing to watch.
The editing is good, but adding a few more cuts could have helped improve the pacing and flow of the film.
The production values by Suresh Productions, S Originals, & Waltair Productions are good.
What’s Hot?
* Arundev & Ananya’s Performances
* Nivetha & Vishwadev’s Performances
* Priyadarshi’s Performance
* All Child Artist’s Performances
* Vivek Sagar’s Songs & Background Score
* All Scenes Between Students & Priyadarshi
* Washroom Scene & Classroom Election Episode
* Cinematography & Production Values
What’s Not?
* Slow Paced Narrative
* Bit Lenghty Second Half
* Few Preachy Scenes At Places
* Gautami’s Character Lacked Depth
* Over The Top Climax Portion
Verdict: Overall, 35-Chinna Katha Kaadu is a heartwarming tale that explores the struggles of a misunderstood child, offering a touching & realistic portrayal of resilience, family bonds, and the importance of nurturing unconventional minds in an unforgiving educational system. A must-watch for all the kids and their parents!
Telugubulletin.com Rating: 3/5